With half the field going past sixty miles today,the race had a normalcy with not much variation. Atmavir Spacil assumed the day leader emblem with 66.4 miles and lengthened his lead as well. He is averaging 65.25 miles per day(105.01 km).With eight days before his probable finish a week Friday, he looks the strongest. Vasu Duzhiy is 19 miles back but could probably finish on that same day next week if he can maintain his energy. Today was cool and overcast, downright cold; if you recall that just a week earlier it was 30 degrees hotter during the daytime. The runners keep going and giving what they have left. Sarah Barnett passed 2000 miles for the first time in her multi day career.And with just 12 days left the effort is still there for everyone. Good luck to all ultra runners.
Day 39: Three-Quarters,A Dollar…
In some sort of strange twist, we find our race at the three quarters point. The 12 are still at running in circles, and the group was blessed with a cool night for the first time in over a fortnight. Vasu Duzhiy brought day honors to his table with a 68 mile day. He is only 25 laps behind the lead and is looking strong as ever. Ukrainian Yuri Trostenyuk reached 62.5 for the consolation prize and his best day in the last 12. Nidhruvi Zimmerman and Surasa Mairer continue to run consistently and have comfortable mileage cushions. With 13 days left there is nothing else to do but run until you reach your goal.Even those who know they will not make it to 3100 still have a goal to reach, and each new day is a chance to do better or best. As has often been stated in our race lore of multidays- there is no loser in these events. By toeing the line you are a winner. You are challenging yourself and your capacity, thus you cannot lose. Good luck runners and go the distance.Soon…
Day 38:The Essence of Running
The day dawned a little cooler than previous days and inspiration seemed more readily available.Our band of 12 runners have been giving it their all since the first day, and with only two weeks remaining, running is still their language and their conviction. There is no turning back. Vasu Duzhiy was day leader with 64.75 miles; he was closely followed by Pranjal Milovnik(62.5) and Ashprihanal Aalto (62.01) who is starting to regain energy after the seven-day heatwave. Most of the runners have lost weight and trimmed down to thin proportions. Now the furnace which has propelled them is craving fuel(fat is the best fuel right now and the only thing available that the body can utilise over a period of days).So eat they must, right to the end. Their own fortitude and inner conviction will carry them as far as possible. Should be an interesting two weeks.
Day 37: Storms Aplenty
With lower temperatures but highly humid skies, the 3100 mile crept along for another day. Five made it past the comfort zone of 60 miles, led by the overall leader Atmavir Spacil with 68.6 miles. Several storms hit the area, a big one at noontime and another at midnight with random drops of rain falling in between the marks on the clockface. With the mercury only reaching 83º the runners tried to take advantage of the better conditions. Yet the feeling of the group is a palpable determination to continue and do maximum miles while the race is still continuing. With only 15 days left, the passage of summer continues. Eight are on pace to make it to the end, but all 12 share in the wonder of digging deep within oneself and seeing what’s left.
Day 36: Picking Up Pieces
The worst heat wave in two years has passed and the 12 runners are still about their business. There is a sense of relief but the engines are not firing on all cylinders. Except for four runners the others failed to make 60 miles. Vasu Duzhiy from Russia climbed into second place with a day-leading 65.3 miles. Nidhruvi Zimmerman again led the ladies with 63.1 miles. Now is the time that will show us who has the strength and make-up to reach the lofty goal.
Day 35: Five Weeks In
Day 35 was the last day of a seven day heat wave which shook up the field of twelve and showed that strength and determination are hallmark traits of a super-long distance runner. Sarvagata Ukrainskyi led all comers with 63.66 miles. Only four of 12 reached past 60 miles. Battle scars abound from the relentless barrage of heat and humidity that plagued the last week. Temps again stayed in the mid-nineties to discourage any attempt at speed and repetition. Only evening showers brought the air quality back to a tolerable level. Atmavir Spacil, the leader after five weeks, was able to bring some joy to the group as he celebrated his 35th birthday with gifts to all his comrades including flowers and special drinks.He has 800 miles left to bring his run to a conclusion. Of course, there are a few people who think they can get there before him. Thus, a little drama for the last 17 days of life on the road- without ever leaving the neighborhood.
Day 34: How Long Can This Go On…
The Heat wave stood its ground for the sixth straight day, daring the runners of courage to step over its boundaries and face debilitation. With temps approaching 100ºF and nary a breeze, nature forced everyone to back off or hurt real bad. Surprisingly, Nidhruvi Zimmerman topped the list with 60.9 miles and was followed closely by Surasa Mairer, who reached 60.3 miles.The closest any man could come was 57.07 miles by Atmavir Spacil, who edged into first overall. The runners will gain some respite late Saturday as thunderstorms are expected to change things for the next two weeks to clear and cooler. The damage has been done, but eight are still on pace to finish within 52 days. The ever-changing face of the race from the outside only reflects the inner conflicts that runners endure to finish this thing.But run they must, and run they shall. Keep cool if you can.
Day 33: Tightening Up
The fifth straight day of heat Wave II raged on with 98ºF in much of the location occupied by the 3100 mile race. Only three made it past 60+ miles, and we were fortunate to have many doctors, nurses and specialists keep close watch on the runners 12. Sarvagata Ukrainskyi continued his assault on the field with a 66.4 mile day. Nidhruvi Zimmerman and Surasa Mairer also nicked the 60 mile plateau with 60.9. Caution has been the keyword here,since dehydration and heat stroke are formidable foes and serious issues the runners face when the Mercury nears 100ºF. We all pray for everyone to get through this weather tunnel. Stay healthy my friends.
Day 32: On It Goes
Day four of Heat Wave II produced high temps, intense sun, few breezes and a little cloud covering late. The field paid the price for just being out on the course, but stalwarts they are. Six of the twelve made it to sixty miles, led again by Sarvagata Ukrainskyi and his 68.05. Atmavir Spacil has climbed to within 18 miles of first place, after being down by 52 just three days ago. That is how this race can turn- a couple bad days and the other runners make up big ground. But with 850 more miles to go and the end of the heat wave in sight, anything can happen. And probably will. Meanwhile the Austrian ladies are smashing out the miles, oblivious to heat so far and making all the right choices.They both touched 62.01 miles with smiles on their faces and miles in the bank. With twenty more days to go the race is picking up momentum.Stay tuned, as there seems to be some fireworks coming when the weather changes. Today the temps hit 96ºF, with more to come.
Day 31: Heat’s On
On a sweltering, sticky day with little cloud cover and temps in the mid-nineties, five runners made it past sixty miles, the lowest total of the race this year. With at least three more hot ones to come, the group is being thoroughly tested. Atmavir Spacil seemed to have solved the heat puzzle for at least today by leading with 66.4 miles. Next best was Vasu Duzhiy with 63.6 and Nidhruvi Zimmerman with 62.0 miles. Two more men made it past 2000 miles….
Vasu Duzhiy: 2000 miles = 30 days+08:51:16
Sarvagata Ukrainskyi: 2000 miles= 30 days+15:42:55