Day 35: Five Weeks In

Day 35 was the last day of a seven day heat wave which shook up the field of twelve and showed that strength and determination are hallmark traits of a super-long distance runner. Sarvagata Ukrainskyi led all comers with 63.66 miles. Only four of 12 reached past 60 miles. Battle scars abound from the relentless barrage of heat and humidity that plagued the last week. Temps again stayed in the mid-nineties to discourage any attempt at speed and repetition. Only evening showers brought the air quality back to a tolerable level. Atmavir Spacil, the leader after five weeks, was able to bring some joy to the group as he celebrated his 35th birthday with gifts to all his comrades including flowers and special drinks.He has 800 miles left to bring his run to a conclusion. Of course, there are a few people who think they can get there before him. Thus, a little drama for the last 17 days of life on the road- without ever leaving the neighborhood.