Day 39: Three-Quarters,A Dollar…

In some sort of strange twist, we find our race at the three quarters point. The 12 are still at running in circles, and the group was blessed with a cool night for the first time in over a fortnight. Vasu Duzhiy brought day honors to his table with a 68 mile day. He is only 25 laps behind the lead and is looking strong as ever. Ukrainian Yuri Trostenyuk reached 62.5 for the consolation prize and his best day in the last 12. Nidhruvi Zimmerman and Surasa Mairer continue to run consistently and have comfortable mileage cushions. With 13 days left there is nothing else to do but run until you reach your goal.Even those who know they will not make it to 3100 still have a goal to reach, and each new day is a chance to do better or best. As has often been stated in our race lore of multidays- there is no loser in these events. By toeing the line you are a winner. You are challenging yourself and your capacity, thus you cannot lose. Good luck runners and go the distance.Soon…