Day 34: How Long Can This Go On…

The Heat wave stood its ground for the sixth straight day, daring the runners of courage to step over its boundaries and face debilitation. With temps approaching 100ºF and nary a breeze, nature forced everyone to back off or hurt real bad. Surprisingly, Nidhruvi Zimmerman topped the list with 60.9 miles and was followed closely by Surasa Mairer, who reached 60.3 miles.The closest any man could come was 57.07 miles by Atmavir Spacil, who edged into first overall. The runners will gain some respite late Saturday as thunderstorms are expected to change things for the next two weeks to clear and cooler. The damage has been done, but eight are still on pace to finish within 52 days. The ever-changing face of the race from the outside only reflects the inner conflicts that runners endure to finish this thing.But run they must, and run they shall. Keep cool if you can.