It was warmer, the sun was higher in the sky, the clouds were nowhere to be seen. Yet nine runners made it past 60 miles. Better yet, 10 runners are still on pace to reach the goal. Yuri Trostenyuk and Stutisheel Lebedyev have been relentless in their approach this year, and have shown steady brilliance throughout the contest. Sarvagata Ukrainskyi has been the best of all, for today he fashioned a 74 mile day, and needs only 13 laps tomorrow(Monday)to reach halfway. He is averaging over 70 miles a day. The lesser experienced runners are also learning well. Teekshanam Dodonu has been doing well the last week and has remained on pace to finish. William Sichel has picked it up the last three days and has made it past 2000 km, the furthest milestone he has ever reached. Even Ray Krolewicz is going farther with each step, and living to tell about it.