Day 52

Thirty-three year old Jayasalini Olga Abramovskikh reached the 3100 mile finish line in
51 days+12:30:32 to become second woman and eighth finisher in the race. The tall Russian was gracious for her inspired handlers, friends and well-wishers. The remaining six athletes stayed the course to see what they could do before midnight.

Thanks, friends for following our little race around the block. May the wind always be at your back.

Day 51: Two More Make It In

Sarah Barnett from Adelaide Australia finished first woman and sixth place overall in the 3100 mile race today for a personal best distance(3100=50 days+03:55:08). Sarah averaged 61.802 miles per day(99.46 km). She is now second-ranked woman in race history. Nearly 12 hours later William Sichel from Sanday,Orkney Islands Scotland reached perhaps the pinnacle of his running career by completing 3100 miles in 50 days+15:06:04. William fell below the needed minimum on Day 19 by 71+ miles. He rallied and ran well from that point on to average 61.233 miles(98.545 km) per day. He is the first man over 60 years old to ever complete the 3100 miler.

Day 50: Two At The Rail

With only 27 laps to go Australian Sarah Barnett stands to win the ladies crown and sixth place overall on Monday morning. She has had a very good race to this point and is averaging 61.71 miles per day(99.30 km). Probably 12 hours later, Scotsman William Sichel will glide past 3100 miles and into the history books as the first man over sixty to ever finish this difficult race. On sunday he ran another impressive 65.3 miles to get into position to finish. He needs only 105 laps(57.62 miles) to reach his dream goal.

Day 49: A Tireless Pioneer

Stutisheel Lebedyev finished his eighth 3100 mile race in ten attempts with a personal best of 48 days+03:57:19, which averages to 64.36 miles per day(103.58 km). He moved from 20th ranked up to 16th with this fine effort. He was the fifth finisher so far in the world’s longest, continuous ultra marathon. Sarah Barnett moved to within 78 miles of finishing- probably Monday morning,late. William Sichel of Scotland is promising to finish monday evening with a flurry of activity from his arsenal of running tricks. Jayasalini Olga Abramovskikh is still on pace to finish on the last day.

Day 48: Two More In

Forty-nine year old Vasu Duzhiy of St. Petersburg Russia finished 3100 miles in a time of 47 days+04:24:27. This was his third consecutive finish and second podium position, and a personal best as well, by over an hour. Later in the evening Pranjal Milovnik, the Iron Man with the heart of a lion, finished his tenth straight 3100 miler in fourth place overall(3100 miles= 47 days+13:44:06). Pranjal joins the elite level of finishers who have gone past 31,000 miles in their careers here- around the world and then some. Only Ashprihanal Aalto of Finland and Suprabha Beckjord of the USA have more completions. Stutisheel Lebedyev is set to finish Saturday morning with only 36 laps to go. All Joy.

Day 47:Second Finisher In

Yuri Trostenyuk from Vinnitsa, Ukraine finished second overall in the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race. He took over four and a half days off his previous time to reach the goal in 46 days+14:16:05, an average of 66.535 miles per day(107.078 km). He moves up the rankings from 27th place to ninth place as a result of this fine performance. Vasu Duzhiy should finish at 11:00 am on Friday thanks to a strong 74.63 miles. He only needs 41 laps(22.5 miles). Slovakian Pranjal Milovnik should finish just before dinner-time as well. He needs 90 laps (49.39 miles) to complete the journey.

Day 46: Getting Closer

Stutisheel Lebedyev led the terrific thirteen through their paces with 70.79 miles today as Day leader. Yuri Trostenyuk needs only 56.5 more miles(103 laps) to bag his second 3100 Mile finish on Thursday evening. This one will be worth seeing as he is primed to slice several days off of his finish time from last year. William Sichel rattled off another 68.6 mile day to move into seventh position and onto the ‘Big Board’, -the scoreboard with the placards of the runners who will all finish the race. Six days remain and the amazing weather has been holding onto our region. Eight or nine runners will finish, many with personal bests. Stay tuned…

Day 45:Part Two

In the wake of the first finisher, the energy level of the remaining runners is still strong. Vasu Duzhiy had a splendid day with 75.7 miles and has moved into third place and another probable podium finish. Yuri Trostenyuk should finish Thursday evening, with a new personal best by several days, and William Sichel is only four laps behind seventh place overall as he continues to shine. Still a week left, but everybody is moving more urgently. Time is passing by.

Day 45: Part One- Sarvagata Finishes First!

Forty-one year old Sarvagata Ukrainskyi from Berdyansk, Ukraine finished first in the Eighteenth Annual Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race in 44 days+06:58:10. It was his fourth consecutive finish and a new personal best by nearly six hours. He averaged 69.996 miles per day(112.648 km). He is now ranked fourth all-time in the event, his previous best race having come in 2011.

Day 44:Cool and Breezy, Please

Sarvagata Ukrainskyi has moved to within 60 laps(32.9280 miles) of reaching his goal of 3100 miles. The estimated time of finish is between 12:45 and 2:30 PM EDT on Tuesday afternoon. He ran 71.34 miles on his penultimate day of the event. Vasu Duzhiy will enjoy his current championship for one more day as he led all comers with 71.89 miles. He has climbed to within four laps of Pranjal Milovnik who is still clinging to third but realizes the superior leg speed of Vasu. Sarah Barnett passed 2700 miles and leads the ladies with just eight days left in the contest. In all, nine athletes made it past 60 miles again. The weather was perfect, with lower humidity and the mercury barely reaching 80ºF.

Sarah Barnett-2700 miles=43 days+10:42:15