One Fortnight for Alakananda

Her Father Stutisheel aims on finishing in one week, but for Alakananda the countdown for another important event also looms large…

From the age of fourteen

At the 3100 she has served,

Far beyond what Stutisheel

Has ever deserved.

Daily she tend to his

Every need with finesse

And runs with him a few laps,

Keeping up her own fitness.

There to capture every moment

And post it onto Papa’s blog

Close ups are her specialty

Of the runners as they jog.

Together with Mama; Atandra

They add a lot of colour to the course

Especially on occasions and finishes,

When decorations are in full force.

August 7th is her birthday

A fortnight to go, friends be warned

With ‘Hello Kitty’ paraphernalia

This girl likes to be adorned.

Alakananda you’re lovely

Happy Birthday soon my dear

Have a beautiful day

And a wonderful year!