My Ageathon

photo by Arpan

Every year since I was 26 years old I have run my age in miles around the time of my birthday. When I was 26 years old I had already had run a 26 mile marathon so I thought that increasing by only one mile the next year would not be so bad. But as the years quickly passed and I am now more than twice that age it becomes more of a challenge.

Seeing the runners in the 3100 mile race doing more than two marathons a day, day after day, makes the task of running 57 miles a bit more palatable. Sri Chinmoy encouraged those who could run to try and run regularly in order to stay fit, healthy and happy. I feel that if I  could stay in shape all year long then to run a long race or training run would not be as difficult or painful.

But no matter how you look at it, 57 miles is no joke and it takes many, many hours of constant movement to cover the distance. The secret is to run it as cheerfully as possible so the effort does not go to waste. In the words of Sri Chinmoy:  “Try to be a runner, and try all the time to surpass and go beyond all that is bothering you and standing in your way. Be a real runner so that ignorance, limitation and imperfection will all drop far behind you in the race.”

Today I started running all alone just after midnight without any sleep. By 6:00 a.m. when the 3100 mile runners started their 40th day of running, I was quite tired and sore. I took a break in my car and slept for about 30 minutes. Feeling refreshed and stronger, I was able to run the second half of my ageathon with more enthusiasm and cheerfulness. The runners gave me lots of support and enthusiasm as I passed them going in the opposite direction on the loop. Some good friends also came to run with me or offer me support and encouragement which made the miles seem to pass much more quickly.

I always offer gratitude to my Spiritual Guide and Teacher, Sri Chinmoy, for the encouragement and advice in defying age and manifesting something more real in my life. Instead of being bound or blinded by age, he has always inspired us to see beyond the aging body. His own life was a perfect example of this until his very last day.

Age need not bind you.

Age need not blind you.

Age should only help you

To see the real in you

As soon as possible.

Excerpt from Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 194 by Sri Chinmoy.