Day 57: Suprabha Continues On

photo by Arpan
Starting alone at 6:00 am, Suprabha Beckjord continued her quest of 13 straight finishes with a 45.0016 mile day in stifling humidity and building heat. Monday and Tuesday are forecast for mid-nineties temps but the Washington,DC runner has seen it all over her thousands of laps on the Queens, NY course, so it probably will not slow her down too much. Stay tuned…

Helping Hands

photo by Arpan

The goals reached in the 3100 Mile Self-Transcendence Race are not the achievements of just the individual runners. There are many hands, hearts, minds and legs that go into the organization and administration of such a monumental event. It all starts with the vision and blessings of the one who conceived of this grandiose event, Sri Chinmoy. He saw that with the establishment and manifestation of the highest spiritual concept called ‘Oneness’, amazing things can be accomplished. The 3100 mile race is just one of those infinite possibilities of human achievements manifested through aspiration and Oneness.

The individual runner may have the aspiration to achieve the goal of 3100 miles, but without the oneness manifested through the willing and enthusiastic helpers and administrators it would be next to impossible for this achievement to reach its full potential. Some of the runners have full-time helpers called ‘handlers’. Others utilize the help of the volunteers who try to keep them supplied with all the basic needs such as food, water and other drinks, medical supplies, etc.

Still there are others who take care of various other necessary tasks such as counting the runners, massage and other treatments, laundry washing, and even live music. Those who are not familiar with the race and who witness it for the first time may not at first realize that there is a race going on. It can take on the appearance of a festival or picnic as the sense of joy and oneness seem to pervade the whole area. Even visitors who may not run or relate to running get joy and inspiration from the camaraderie which they see taking place all day and evening, day after day, week after week.

When we see the amazing progress happening each day and we witness the goals that are finally reached by the runners, we should keep in mind that although the runners are the prime achievers here, the helpers could and should share in the feeling of achievement and progress. Self-Transcendence in this case incorporates a very large Self, the Self that transcends the individual, manifesting on a very convincing scale the magical quality of Oneness.

The Prize of Self Transcendence

rain 3100
3100 Race continues even in a heavy New York Downpour

New York Daily News carry a short article – No prize for 14 runners – only Self-Transcendence

“I get a thrill from being out here,” said Suprabha Beckjord, 52, of Washington, D.C. – the only woman and only American participating in this year’s race.

“It’s a [dream] to be able to achieve a very long distance. It’s something we can only accomplish with determination and willpower,” said Beckjord, who has averaged 57.6 miles a day.

The gruelling race as well as being a great test of stamina, honors the race’s founder, Sri Chinmoy.

Photo by Arpan from Day 14 (Suprabha Beckjord on the left, helper on right)

2008 Edition of the 3100 Mile Race

The 12th edition of the 3100 Mile Race began this Sunday, June 15th.

There are 14 entrants for this years race including:

  • Suprabha Beckjord
  • Abichal
  • Ananda-Lahari Zuscin
  • Asprihanal Aalto
  • Grahak Cunningham
  • Stutisheel Lebedyev
  • Pranab Vladovic
  • Smarana Puntigam
  • Pranjal Milovnik
  • Diganta Adhikari
  • Sopan Tsekov
  • Petr Spacil
  • Christopher Mullauer
  • Pavol Saraz

For details on this years runners see: Runner’s Profiles

Best wishes to all the runners in this epic feat of self-transcendence!

Results can be viewed here.

3100 Links

Photo by Jowan Gauthier