There may not be as many hardships in the danger zone as in mountain climbing on 8000 meter peaks, but the psychological troubles can nearly take you out of the multiday running race. Ananda Lahari Zuscin has had to endure a weak physical condition and numerous injuries for over a month. Yet, he has managed to place himself to finish on Sunday midday with another sterling 64.21 mile day. Meanwhile, Diganta Adhikari has only 79 laps to go to finish Thursday evening early. He has remained cheerful nearly the whole race. Salutations to all the runners this year.
Author: Sahishnu
Day 52:Ananda Lahari Zuscin Makes A Move
Ananda Lahari Zuscin from Slovvakia had his best day since Day 4 and reached 64.20 miles to lead the fab five still left on the course. Diganta Adhikari ran 62.56 miles to get into position to finish Thursday afternoon or evening. The pleasant temperatures and humidity will give rise to showers the next few days as the race begins to head to its finality.
Day 51: Stutisheel Lebedyev Makes Seven
Ukrainian Stutisheel Lebedyev finished his fifth 3100 mile race in 50 days+11:19:46, a personal best by 62 minutes. He averaged 61.423 miles per day(98.852 km) on the concrete colossus and was the seventh finisher so far. Time will be extended for four remaining athletes to finish by Sunday, August 10. Low humidity and sometimes breezy conditions helped the runners to move closer to their goals.
Day 50: Two Finishers Better Than One
Pranjal Milovnik,35, from Bratislava,Slovakia moved up from 21st to 13th in the alltime rankings for 3100 miles with his personal best finish of 49 days+10:44:38 today. He averaged 62.696 miles per day(100.899 km). An extremely consistent runner, Mr. Milovnik improved by two days,five hours over his previous best. A little over four hours later, Smarana Puntigam,37, from Vienna,Austria trudged across the finish line to another big reception of bells and cheers. Reaching 3100 miles in 49 days+15:01:57, Mr Puntigam finished his seventh straight 3100 miler while averaging 62.470 miles(100.536 km) per day. Earlier in the quiet morning, Suprabha Beckjord passed the 2700 mile split for the 13th straight time. Next finisher should be Stutisheel Lebedyev in the late afternoon on Monday.
Day 49: Petr Spacil Reaches Fourth Place
Petr Spacil had a breakthrough performance in the 3100 miler, reaching the coveted goal in 48 days+11:51:36 while taking over four days off his previous time. He jumps from 21st place to 12th on the alltime rankings list. He averaged 63.928(102.883 km) per day for the superlong sojourn. Mr Spacil was greeted by the Deputy Consul General of the Czech Republic and an enthusiastic crowd of well-wishers. He continued on to 5000km (48+15:39:10) after a restful break. Sunday will see Pranjal Milovnik and Smarana Puntigam vie for the fifth spot around 5:00 pm.
Day 48: Petr Spacil Heads For Home
Petr Spacil led the charge with 65.85 miles today, leaving himself with only 85 laps(47+ miles) to go for a new PB at superlong distance. Steady performer Pranjal Milovnik has moved only one lap behind fifth place with only 103 miles left to run. Six of the ten remaining athletes reached 60 miles or better.
Day 47: Grahak Cunningham Slices History;Takes Third
Australian runner Grahak Cunningham reached the podium in third place on his way to a record run of 46 days+11:53:48 in the 3100 miler today. He sliced three days,15 hours off his previous first finish from 2007. Mr C. averaged 66.676 miles(107.305 km) per day, making not only a new Aussie record but a giant leap in the alltime list- from 14th to fifth in the rankings. Petr Spacil will finish on saturday evening as the likely next runner across the line. Hot, sunny weather stayed around all day yet the runners continued- endlessly and relentlessly.
Day 46:Pranab Vladovic Reaches 3100 Miles
Pranab Vladovic finished second in the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile race, reaching his goal in 45 days+13:49:54. This was the fourth finish for the strong Slovakian born runner, and another personal best by over 24 hours. He remains ranked fourth alltime. His performance is a new national record for Slovakia. A throng of 150 people greeted him along with the Consul General of Slovakia. After a brief ceremony Mr. Vladovic continued on to the 5000 km mark(45+16:31:38). Thursday will see the finish of crowd favorite Grahak Cunningham from Australia, who needs only 91 laps to reach the summit of the 3100 mile peak.
Day 45:Vladovic Moves Into Position To Finish
Pranab Vladovic ran his best total of the race today(74.08 miles) to place himself ready to finish Wednesday evening.This was the ninth straight day of 70 miles or more for the talented ultrarunner. He is about 23 hours ahead of his personal best from 2007.
Asprihanal Aalto Wins 3100 Mile Race For Fifth Time
Thirty-seven year old Asprihanal Aalto from Helsinki.Finland won the Twelveth Annual Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile race this morning, covering the 5649 laps of concrete in 44 days+02:42:15. This was the fifth victory and eighth finish for the lanky runner- both records for men in race annals. He held a lead of 120+ miles over second place when crossing the line. Mr Aalto averaged 70.278 miles(113.102 km) per day. A crowd of over 100 well-wishers greeted him and a choir sang songs dedicated to the race and his individual triumph. Next finisher will be Pranab Vladovic on Wednesday evening.