Day 50: Two Finishers Better Than One

Pranjal Milovnik,35, from Bratislava,Slovakia moved up from 21st to 13th in the alltime rankings for 3100 miles with his personal best finish of 49 days+10:44:38 today. He averaged 62.696 miles per day(100.899 km). An extremely consistent runner, Mr. Milovnik improved by two days,five hours over his previous best. A little over four hours later, Smarana Puntigam,37, from Vienna,Austria trudged across the finish line to another big reception of bells and cheers. Reaching 3100 miles in 49 days+15:01:57, Mr Puntigam finished his seventh straight 3100 miler while averaging 62.470 miles(100.536 km) per day. Earlier in the quiet morning, Suprabha Beckjord passed the 2700 mile split for the 13th straight time. Next finisher should be Stutisheel Lebedyev in the late afternoon on Monday.