Vasu Duzhiy continued his lead in the 3100 Mile Race with a second day of 70+ miles. He totaled 150.37 for the two day split, and led a contingent of 13 runners who crossed past the 60 mark, with Mr. Duzhiy and two others- Baladev Saraz and Sarvagata Ukrainskyi, getting past 70 miles. The cooler evening led to some faster laps, but humidity has entered the area for the next 2 or 3 days, with showers and t-storms Wednesday night. Aussie Sarah Barnett was seen cranking 6 and even sub-6 minute laps, and Mr. Sarvagata was ‘J Smoove’ in running shorts with a solid two hours of great, fast paced running. His long stride elicited ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ from nearby spectators, some unaware of a race even taking place. More later.