Day 42: Six Weeks In

On the special 42nd day of the race, the day Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk of Germany set the current record for the 3100 miler in 2006(41 days+8 hours), six people went past 60 miles to continue their quest to finish this race in good standing. Vasu Duzhiy and Atmavir Spacil continued their excellence, running 71.3 and 69.6 miles,respectively. These two men also slipped past the 2700 mile barrier, invoking that one-year event( the forerunner of this event) in 1996. The weather cooperated yet another day, with cool pleasant conditions in the early morning and early evening. The days are growing a little shorter and the intensity of the sun has diminished a little. Ten days left….
Atmavir Spacil: 2700 miles = 41 days+04:45:47
Vasu Duzhiy: 2700 miles = 41 days+12:15:50