Day 30:A Month Gone By

Day 2 of the Heat Wave II(the sequel) had mid-nineties temps and nary a breeze but that did not stop the determined Sarvagata Ukrainskyi from running 68.6 miles before calling it a day. Seven runners passed 60+ miles including Ashprihanal Aalto and Atmavir Spacil, who also happened to pass the imaginary 2000 mile mark. These two plus Mr. Ukrainskyi are setting the standard high, even in the grips of a heat-induced weather trauma for the city that never sleeps. Nidhruvi Zimmerman climbed to within two laps of being on pace, and is running well and inspired. After a month on the ‘road’ the runners are still chuggin’ and it sure is inspirin’. More later folks.
Ashprihanal Aalto: 2000 miles = 29 days+02:06:07
Atmavir Spacil: 2000 miles = 29 days+17:40:08