By Sahishnu:
Sarvagata Mikhailo Ukrainskyi, 37, from Berdyansk,Ukraine, won the Fifteenth Annual Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race in a national record time of 44 days+13:38:52. Sarvagata completed 5649 laps of the 0.5488 mile course in Queens, New York, NY while averaging 69.559 miles per day(111.945 km). The first time runner set new records for a novice with highest placing and fastest time. The ten runners in the race experienced the hottest heat wave in years just last week, with the THI reaching 112-114¼F with no wind to speak of. Yet Mr. Ukrainskyi powered on to finish nearly thirty miles ahead of finisher number two, Igor Mudryck, who will reach the finish line Wednesday morning before 9:00 am. Sarvagata is now ranked fifth all-time in 3100 mile annals with his splendid performance. The race will end on Thursday, August 4. Congratulations Sarvagata!