The clock is ticking as we have only seven days to go. This journey has been nothing short of unique, crazy and fulfilling.  Day one to this very moment, countless and interesting experiences have occurred; one could compile volumes of literature from all that has gone on.

From the amount of bandages Surasa has had on her feet, to the umpteen Snickers bars consumed by Pranjal to the several clicks and cracks from chiropractor visits to the countless times Asprihanal has touched that special tree, and to the week Dharbhasana had to walk, these are all the bits and pieces that bring the remarkable 3100 mile Self Transcendence race to a close.

As these hero warriors near the end of this marvellous feat, they bring both excitement and sadness.  The goal is near and those hearts are beating faster with every footstep, but at the same time, it is the end. The end of a starting point, the end of a routine, the end of a familiar place. This sacred city block in queens will be desolate without the constant daily shuffle of rubber to concrete.

Alas, I can sincerely say that I feel so honoured to have been here for this race to witness what these brave souls have committed themselves to.  Nothing could stop them.  With a goal of inner growth on the forefront, the runners have taught me a very special lesson.   Anything is possible.  Grace DOES exist.  Faith CAN win.  And determination WILL conquer.

Not only will these runners be honoured on earth, in their country, and by their loved ones, they will also be honoured in the heavens; for their brave efforts will filter thru humanity, making the world a tiny more golden.  Until next year…