Day 42: The Famed 2700

Post by Sahishnu:

Asprihanal and Galya
Asprihanal and Galya

As the heat continued, Asprihanal Aalto moved closer to the goal with a day-leading 68.05 miles, besting Galya Balatskyy by one lap (67.5024 miles total). Five men went past sixty miles in the intense heat and humidity. By nightfall, a big thunderstorm worked the area with lots of rain and high winds. Both Asprihanal and Galya went through the famed 2700 mile split (the original distance of this race in 1996).

Ashprihanal Aalto 2700 miles = 40 days + 07:19:10
Galya V. Balatskyy 2700 miles = 40 days + 15:28:10