Day 15: Thousands of Miles Done: More to Do

photo by Jowan

The first four runners went past the 1000 mile split today, something that has not happened in the race in years. Asprihanal Aalto has increased his lead with another 71.34 mile day to nearly 16 miles ahead of Petr Spacil in second place. Pranjal Milovnik is creeping ever so slightly closer to third placer Galya (Vladimir) Balatskyy with another 68.05 mile day. Dharbhasana Lynn has increased his best distance every day for the last five days in a row since his lower legs have healed to his satisfaction. Surasa Mairer has shown signs of adapting to the high mileage days as her shin splints are less bothersome. Her spirit remains remarkably cheerful and upbeat no matter the situation. All this during a 90º, sticky NY summer day!
Asprihanal Aalto- 14 days+03:00:39
Petr Spacil – 14 days+05:32:25
Galya (Vlad) Balatskyy- 14 days+15:10:11
Pranjal Milovnik- 14 days+16:34:08