Day 12: Pranjal Shows His Strength

photo by Jowan

On a hot, humid,rudderless weather day, with storms nearby missing the race left and right, Pranjal Milovnik took day honors with 66.95 miles. The 94º temps and 65% humidity forced Asprihanal Aalto and Petr Spacil to cutback their high mileage of the last week and a half. Still eight men made it past 60 miles without looking worse for wear.Pushkar Mullauer, Pavol Saraz and Ananda-Lahari Zuscin (11 days+00:46:50;11 days+01:46:39; and 11 days+04:36:57, respectively)all went through the 700 mile split.Considering the heat of the last four or five days, most everyone performed admirably.