These runners are truly AMAZING!

Day four….

These runners are truly AMAZING!  How do they do it?  Well, they all have a goal and they all have inner determination.  These two things alone can get you through anything.  From shin splints to sunburn-you name it, these runners challenge it all.   And most of them don’t even have handlers!  Only 3 runners have handlers whom look after them very diligently.

Surasa has 3 helpers who rotate and sometimes cross over all at once which gives extreme amount of support to her.  They are true heroes.  Today they were all in the van tending to her feet and at that moment, I thought, wow-this is true humility and service.

Stutisheel has his wife, Atandra, who arrives at 6:00am and leaves whenever her husband leaves which is usually between 10:30 and 11:30pm.  What a long day.  She hardly leaves the aid station and devotedly awaits the arrival of her husband every seven minutes or so.

And of course there is Dharbhasana, whom is also being tended to by his wife Nandana and seven year old daughter, Shakti.  Because he is on a dairy free, gluten free, sugar free diet, it makes for more of an interesting and exciting task of getting the proper balance of nutrition into him.  But it seems to be working because he is doing fabulous.