By the 15.5 hour point…

photo by Jowan

By the 15.5 hour point (9:30 p.m. E.D.T.) of Day 1 of the New York Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile (5000Km) Race, top runners had already accumulated over 70 miles.  For many of us, this would be a great split in a 100 mile or 24 hour race in which we get to go home and rest for days afterwards.  BUT the 3100 mile runners will be back Monday morning at 6 to take on another full day on the rolling 1Km loop around Edison School and Joe Austin Park in Queens, NYC.  And they will be back again on Tuesday morning … and on and on until the 52 day official race ending cut-off is reached.

Several ultra runners have asked “how many pairs of shoes do these guys go through?”  ANSWER:  Most start the race with 5-6 reliable pairs, and will finish off 10-12 pairs in the 3100 miles.  But some runners have used 20 or more different pairs during the race.  The footpath is mostly concrete, smooth for the most part, and with a notable 8+foot sharp rise at the east end of the loop.

Another question often asked:  How do these runners get the time off work?  ANSWER:  This varies widely from runner to runner.  Keep in mind that in general Europeans have more holiday (vacation) and leave time than do North Americans.  Some of the runners have very understanding bosses.  Some runners are between jobs  Some own their own businesses and can create their own schedule.  I believe a better question = How do the race directors and race workers manage to get the time to be at the race!!  These folks are really juggling many commitments, in some cases burning the candle at both ends and in the middle.
I had a good chat with well-known chef Nandana Lynn today– her husband Dharbhasana is in the race, and she is the daily dinner cook.  Her gourmet dinners should give tired runners something to look forward to during the long, hot afternoons.  I am guessing their daughter Shakti will be helping prep the food and entertain the runners.
I will post a first-hand update Monday or Tuesday, after I have been out to the race and talked with the runners and crews.
Best wishes to all ultra runners, and an early Happy Fathers Day to all Dads and Grandads.
Posted by Mark Dorion