Daily Menu

A sample of the 3100 Mile Runners Daily menu used on Saturday, July 25th.

 For such an endurance event, calorie intake plays a respected role in the athletes performance. It has been estimated that the runners should have around 10,000 calories to meet with their energy expendature, which can prove challenging in the heat of the New York summer, not to mention meeting with the difficulty of eating and digesting while being constantly on the move. As part of the cooking crew we try to get as much fat into the food as possible, as you will see!

In addition to the menu, always readily available are fruits; watermelon, melons, cherries, papya and snack foods; muesli bars, dried fruits, salted chips and pretzels. Spring water, electrolytes and 2 or 3 other drink options are available all in addition.

I want also to mention that I have been really impressed by the runners friends and supporters in the community, who have come forward in contributing to the race in whatever capacities they have. From buying groceries, making smoothies, cooking dishes or even writing some of Sri Chinmoy’s inspirational poems to go with their lunches, as Anette from Latvia did last week. This race is a great undertaking and the time and sacrifices made by the runners is enormous and I think they deserve to be spoilt! Thanks to everyone!!

6:30 am

  • Swiss Muesli with summer fruits
  • Oatmeal with cream and brown sugar
  • Ciabatta and fresh hummus and cucumber
  • Protein Shake with organic soya milk, banana, silken tofu or protein powder

8am  Breakfast

  • Mashed potato with cream and butter, organic tofu and creamy scrambled eggs or granola
  • Filled pancakes
  • Organic whole wheat toast with butter and swiss cheese


  • Spanikopita triangles
  • Sweet bread rolls with raspberry jam and whipped cream
  • Potato and leek soup (creamy of course!)
  • Green Smoothie with blended spinach, kale and grapes with fresh lemon ans apple juice (delicious and alkalizing for the body)
  • Fresh Elecrolyte made with pure maple syrup, squeezed limes, water and a pinch of sea salt


  • Niriha arrives bringing banana bread with whipped cream for everyone 

12:30  Lunch

  • Greek spinach and ricotta bake with mediterreanian cous cous salad (doused in extra virgin olive oil)


  • Homemade yoghurt
  • Hand rolled sushi with soya sauce
  • Mango – berry cheese cake
  • Iced Coffee with cream and lightly sweeten with maple syrup


  • Anjali surprises the runners and helpers by buying their favourite flavours of icecream and gelato


  • 30 peices of homemade vegetable pizza
  • Hummus, lettuce and tomato sandwiches
  • Quinoa and vegetable soup
  • Gazpachio with sour cream (Mexican cold soup)

6:30  Dinner

  •  A creamy vegetarian cabonara with leek and sourcream on a bed of whole wheat organic pasta
  • Ayurvedic Joint Tea


  • Friends take turns at preparing desserts and savory items every evening to last the runners until midnight. Tonight Diksha has started prepering roasted baby potatoes with fresh dill and thyme and an exquisite dessert to follow