How Far is 3100 Miles?

One feature about the 3100 mile race is that it hard to comprehend the distance of the race; it is something far beyond our usual concept of a running race. It is widely accepted that several months of training are required to run a marathon; to complete a marathon of 26 miles is no mean feat. The 3100 mile race is the equivalent of running 118 marathons back to back.

To many of us it is hard enough to run 2 miles everyday. If we ran 2 miles everyday it would take 4 years,  2 months (or 1,550 days) to complete the race. It will take some of the runners less than 50 days to complete the race averaging 60-70 miles a day. The record for the 3100 mile race is 41 days set by Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk of Germany in 2006.

The 3100 Mile race is run on a short .5488 loop. But, if it was place to place. 3100 miles could involve:

  • Running from Los Angeles to New York and then finishing off with another 500 mile loop.
  • Running from Paris to Moscow and back
  • Running Land’s End to John o Groat’s in UK, 3 times

The Tour de France, one of the most testing sporting events, is approximately 2,100 miles long. The Tour usually involves cycling round a good section of France; but, the distance is still  1,000 miles short of the 3100 mile Race.

The circumference of the earth is approximately 24,900 miles. If you complete the 3100 mile race 8 times, it is equivalent to running around the world. Suprabha Beckjord has completed the 3100 mile race 11 times since the race started. That is the equivalent or round the world and then half way round again.

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